In a significant ceremony marking his silver jubilee, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the traditional Ashanti king, received seven royal artifacts from a California museum. This event, the first of its kind, symbolizes the planned return of Ashanti treasures looted during colonial times.
The artifacts, including a gold necklace, an ornamental chair, and an elephant tail whisk, were handed over to representatives of the Ashanti monarch at Manhyia Palace in Kumasi, Ghana. These treasures hold deep cultural significance, believed to be imbued with the spirits of past rulers.
Otumfuo Osei Tutu II expressed gratitude for the return of these treasures, emphasizing their importance in uniting his people and preserving their heritage. He highlighted the historical context of British colonialism and the looting of Ashanti treasures, calling for unity and development in the kingdom.
The artifacts will be prominently displayed at the Manhyia Palace Museum as part of the year-long celebrations honoring the Asantehene’s silver jubilee. This gesture follows recent commitments by institutions such as the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum to lend gold and silver treasures back to Ghana, marking a significant step towards addressing historical injustices and fostering cultural restitution.
Below are looted royal artefacts from US museums: