A reporter from Accra based radio station , Asase radio, Elvis Andoh was today hauled before Financial and economic court 2 of High court for misreporting .
Elvis Andoh was called to appear before the sitting Judge after council for Ato Forson , lawyer Dr. Abdul Baasit Aziz Bamba complained to the court over malicious misreporting from Asase Radio.
Asaase radio earlier reported that the court will deliver judgement on Ato Forson and two others ambulance case trial by 31 july . “ The Accra high court to deliver judgement in the trial of Minority Leader , Dr Cassiel Ato Forson and two others standing trial for willfully causing a financial loss of 2.37 million Euros to the state before july 31” the Asaase radio reported on its website.
These reports according to Ato Forson’s legal team constituted misrepresentation of what transpired in court and prayed the judge to intervene .
Reacting to the request by Ato Forson’s lawyer, Dr. Abdul Baasit Aziz Bamba , the presiding Judge , Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe called Elvis Donkoh of Asaase radio to enter the Dock to explain to the court how he came by his reporting .
Elvis who looked nervous and remorseful could not explain the source of story . He was also asked to read what he reported in front of the court, The presiding Judge Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe lamented over how Journalists have been misreporting and misquoting her in the same case . “ I once advised some journalist at University of Media, Arts and Communication (UNIMAC ) to pay attention to details before reporting especially in court proceedings” the Judge said .
After rigorous interrogation, Elvis Ando was cautioned. “Because of your youthful exuberance and lack of experience, I will just caution you “ the judge said.
Mr Elvis apologized to the court and the accused and promised to pull the story down after being cautioned by the presiding judge.
Ato Forson, Sylvester Anemana, a former chief director at the Ministry of Health, and private businessman Richard Jakpa are standing trial for willfully causing the state a financial loss of €2.37 million through a contract to purchase 200 ambulances for the Ministry of Health.