AIDSbombing of Black Africa—with 2015 update

A paper read at the Black Heritage Summit, Lagos, 06Dec06, at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, NIIA


Right from its emergence in the early 1980s, the nature and origin of AIDS have been in dispute. According to orthodox dogma, AIDS is caused by HIV, a natural virus that, by one account, allegedly crossed over from monkeys into the human population in Africa. Though that is the view maintained by the governments of the world and by their medical and scientific establishments, and the view disseminated by the global media, it has not gained universal assent from the scientists of the world. From quite early in the career of AIDS, a small but growing number of scientific researchers and investigators have doubted that official dogma. Alerted by the many anomalies in the epidemiology of AIDS, they began, by the mid-1980s, to put forward the Alternative AIDS Hypothesis: that AIDS is the product of a lab-made virus, a Biological Warfare Weapon, which somehow got deployed on Africans and other deliberately targeted groups. And they also began to call for the normal scientific testing of competing hypotheses to be done in the case of AIDS. They were sidelined and have remained voices crying in the wilderness.

The question remains unresolved by the methods of intra-science disputes. However, other investigators—especially journalists–have focused on researching the documentary evidence for its laboratory origin. They have, by now, found enough of the ‘paper trail’ for a prima facie case to be made that AIDS is indeed a bioweapon of mass destruction invented by the US Government, and deployed in Africa for premeditated genocide. This paper presents highlights from a number of media reports, from sources in the USA and the UK.

Taken together, these highlights invite Black Africans – the people, their governments, national security agencies, medical communities, and journalists– to thoroughly investigate the alternative AIDS hypothesis and how Black Africa was AIDSbombed. Should this hypothesis be upheld, it becomes the responsibility of Black Africans to mount an appropriate campaign to defeat this race war attack.

In particular, the claim that there is a cure for AIDS, is of paramount importance.  If verified, it should enable African governments to rid Africa of the AIDS plague and save its population from extermination.

If a cure exists, and was known to the inventors of AIDS, including Dr Robert Gallo, even before the disease was let loose on humanity, why is that cure not being aggressively used to end the plague? We should note that widespread use of any cures would defeat the genocidal purpose for which the AIDS virus was invented. So the powers that commissioned AIDS have, presumably, worked to prevent general knowledge and use of any cures. Instead, they promote the use of ARVs [Anti-Retroviral drugs] that don’t cure AIDS, but instead, earn mountains of money for the pharmaceutical companies.

Furthermore, the creation of bioweapons that target only the black-skinned takes the race war to a new level, and further challenges us to look to our survival.

The rest of this paper consists of excerpts from four American and one UK sources, namely:

  1. The Phoenix Letter;
  2. Boyd Graves’ book “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”;
  3. The Roberta Hamlin emails, and
  4. Michael Treis, Man Made Plague, a piece published in Ellis County Press
  5. The Times (London)


by Phoenix Letter

Phoenix Letter, 4400 Loma Vista Dr., Billings, MT 59106

The Phoenix Letter Is mailed monthly and maintains a conservative free-market economics philosophy. Editor: Anthony C. Sutton

AIDS is a synthetic biological agent, knowingly and deliberately created by the United States Government. Development funds were not included in any secret “black budget,” they were openly voted on by Congress. . . .

In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared before Congress (the Appropriations Committee of the House) and stated: “ within a period of 5-10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.” . . .

This synthetic agent is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome virus or HIV-1) ARPA requested $10 million to develop AIDS, 10 years before the virus was identified in the field. Dr. MacArthur added, “It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to another method of massive killing of large populations.”

From 1961 to 1968 while this artificial biological agent was under discussion in the pentagon, Robert McNamara was Secretary of Defense. Clark Clifford (of BCCI notoriety) took over as Secretary in 1969.

On October 2, 1970 just 15 months after Dr. MacArthur requested an appropriation for AIDS development, Robert McNamara, now World Bank President, made a speech to international bankers in which he identified population growth as “the gravest issue that the world faces over the years ahead.” In his speech to the bankers McNamara argued that population growth was leading to instability, that a 10 billion world population would not be “controllable.” Said McNamara, “It is not a world that any of us would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not sure but there are two possible ways by which a world of 10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way.”. . . In brief, Robert McNamara was in the final decision making role for development of AIDS at the very time he was contemplating the idea that “world death rates must go up.” THIS IS MORE THAN COINCIDENCE. Our conclusion is that Robert McNamara knowingly encouraged development of AIDS as a means to reduce the worlds’ Population. It is difficult to arrive at any other Conclusion. Matching the time frames and the opportunities for decision making there is at least a prima facie case, well worth investigating, that Robert McNamara knowingly and deliberately encouraged development of the AIDS virus.

Phoenix Letter views the McNamara program, continued by Clark Clifford, as genocide. . . . By 1972, the World Health Organization called on scientists to work on such viruses “to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on the immune function.” (WHO is supposedly devoted to “health” progress and financed in part by the U.S. taxpayer on this supposition. See Bulletin of World Health Organization, 1972, 47:257-63.)

—Phoenix Letter, ;

AIDS: ‘The Manufactured Virus’

From the Official U.S. Govt. Documents House of Rep.

American Masses Hoodwinked

Proof: Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970

H.B. 15090


2] Flowchart of the Special Cancer Virus Program

–Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”

by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

The flowchart is the absolute missing link in proving the existence of a coordinated research program to develop a cancer virus that depletes the immune system . . .

According to the evidence Graves recently presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, the secret virus program spent 15 years and $550 million dollars to create and mass produce a human immune suppressing virus which is known today as HIV/AIDS. . . .

In 1971, Progress Report #8 is issued. The flowchart (pg. 61) will forever resolve the true laboratory birth origin of AIDS. Eventually the Special Virus program will issue 15 reports and over 20,000 scientific papers. The flowchart links every scientific paper, medical experiment and U.S. contract. The flowchart would remain “missing” until 1999. World scientists were stunned. The flowchart will gain in significance throughout the 21st Century. It is also clear the experiments conducted under Phase IV-A of the flowchart are our best route to better therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS. The first sixty pages of progress report #8 of the Special Virus program prove conclusively the specific goal of the program. By June 1977, the Special Virus program had produced 15, 000 gallons of AIDS. The AIDS virus was attached as complement to vaccines sent to Africa and Manhattan. . . .

Progress Report # 8 at 104 – 106 proves Dr. Robert Gallo was secretly working on the development of AIDS with full support of the sector of the U.S. government that seeks to kill its citizens. Dr. Gallo cannot explain why he excluded his role as a “project officer” for the Special Virus program from his biographical book. Dr. Gallo’s early work and discoveries will finally be viewed in relation to the flowchart. We now know where every experiment fits into the flowchart. The “research logic” is irrefutable evidence of a federal “Manhattan-style project” to develop a “contagious” cancer that “selectively” kills. Dr. Gallo’s 1971 paper is identical to his 1984 AIDS announcement.

Progress Report #8 at 273 – 286 proves we gave AIDS to monkeys. Since 1962, the United States and Dr. Robert Gallo have been inoculating monkeys and re-releasing them back into the wild.  . . .Monkey AIDS is also man-made. . . .

In 1977, Dr. Robert Gallo and the top Soviet Scientists meet to discuss the proliferation of the 15,000 gallons of AIDS. They attach AIDS as complement to the Small pox vaccine for Africa, and the “experimental” hepatitis B vaccine for Manhattan. . . .

“They should concentrate on phase 4 which is where it proves that the cure is available. Page 24 of Progress Report #8 is the cure for AIDS. It’s the drug N-Demthyl Rifampicin and was shown in 1971 to stop the U..S. Special Virus in it’s tracks.” said Graves.

—Boyd Ed Graves

Fact check

Could AIDS produced in 1977 have been used to infect smallpox vaccines during the WHO eradication campaign?

In 1967 the World Health Organization (WHO) began a global vaccination program against smallpox, and in 1980 the disease was officially declared eradicated.

APA Style:   smallpox. (2014). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite.  Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.

NB: In 1977 the WHO smallpox eradication project was still going on, so the contamination of smallpox vaccines with the 15,000 gallons of AIDS was within the time frame of the project that lasted from 1967 to 1980. –Chinweizu. (29dec15)


3] The Kissinger Memo

from the Roberta Hamlin emails

—–Original Message—–

From: Roberta hamlin []

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:53 AM

To: Kay Lee



I have GOVERNMENT PAPERS they NEVER dreamed I would possess to back this up ALL the way!  Not only that but a memo from Henry Kissinger that is so cold blooded it will dumbfound any sane reader! ie, ‘we have MOST of the world’s wealth and the ‘ have- not nations’ ARE going to demand that we share a little, but IF WE KILL THEM OFF THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO DIMINISH OUR OVER ABUNDANT LIFE STYLES! ‘ It is there in black and white, he does not mince matters at all on it!   I ALSO have how it was introduced into Africa and   WHY-  a flat out plan for genocide!  It is OUR government’s work!

–Roberta Hamlin, 7823 Gleason Road, Knoxville, Tn .37919.


  1. The WHO and McNamara in the AIDSbombing of Africa, excerpt from Michael Treis, Man Made Plague, published in Ellis County Press.

government documents . . . revealed . . .the most racist genocide ever funded by our Congress the super secret, MK-NAOMI, and the beginnings of the US Special Virus Cancer Program. . . . . MK-NAOMI , NAOMI meaning “Negroes Are Only Momentary Individuals” was to stockpile and test bio-warfare weapons. The largest impact of which so far has been the over 93 MILLION vaccinated with AIDS tainted “smallpox vaccine” in Africa by the World Health Organization. . . .The Secretary of Defense 1962-1970 was Robert Strange McNamara. . . . In 1969 in a speech at Notre Dame he called the African population explosion “a mushrooming cloud of overpopulation”. (Promise & Power Life & Times of Robert McNamara). In 1970 the US intensified its development of “ethnic weapons” (Military Review Nov., 1970)


5] The WHO, smallpox vaccines and the AIDSbombing of Black Africa: excerpt from

Smallpox Vaccine ‘triggered Aids virus’

By Pearce Wright, Science Editor, The Times (London) May 11, 1987, front page and p.18. This excerpt is from p.18;

The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African states which top the league table of most-affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of Aids to the US.

It also provides an explanation of how the infection was spread more evenly between males and females in Africa than in the West and why there is less sign of infection among five to 11-year olds in Central Africa.

Although no detailed figures are available, WHO information indicated that the Aids league table of Central Africa matches the concentration of vaccinations.

The greatest spread of HIV infection coincides with the most intense immunization programmes, with the number of people immunized being as follows:

Zaire      36,878,000:

Zambia   19,060,000;

Tanzania 14,972,000;

Uganda    11,616,000;

Malawi      8,118,000;

Ruanda      3,382.000

and Burundi     3,274,000.

Brazil.   The only South American country covered in the eradication campaign, has the highest incidence of Aids in that region.

About 14,000 Haitians, on United Nations secondment to Central Africa, were covered in the campaign. They began to return home at a time when Haiti had become a popular playground for San Francisco homosexuals

[from p.18]


For MORE of this AIDS story, told in Black Heritage Summit Plenary Talk supplement, please contact:


PS: Dec 2015

A cure for AIDs was patented in 1997. Here is the abstract of it:


United States Patent   5,676,977

Antelman          October 14, 1997


Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices


The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of “firing” electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.


Inventors:         Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL)

Assignee:          Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI)

Appl. No.:         658955

Filed:    May 31, 1996

Current U.S. Class:        424/618; 514/495

Intern’l Class:   A61K 033/38

Field of Search:             424/618 514/495



A cure is important. But even more important is the preventive vaccine.


An AIDS vaccine was patented in 1993.Here is the abstract of it:


United States Patent   5,256,767

Salk ,   et al.      October 26, 1993


Retroviral antigens


The present invention provides a non-infectious immunotherapeutic containing retroviral particles devoid of outer envelope proteins or containing selected antigens isolated from a retrovirus. There is also provided a vaccine effective against HIV. In one aspect, the immunogen is useful for immunizing an individual previously infected by a retrovirus including HIV, so as to induce immunoprotective factors protective against progression of the infection. In another aspect, the vaccine is useful for vaccinating an individual not previously infected with HIV in order to prevent subsequently acquired infection. In another aspect, there is provided a method of rendering a viral immunogen non-infectious. The immunogen may also be used to produce antibodies for passive immunotherapy, alone or in conjunction with active immunotherapy, in individuals infected with a retrovirus, including HIV, preferably those individuals exhibiting low levels of antibodies to retroviral gene products other than the outer envelope.


Inventors:         Salk; Jonas (La Jolla, CA), Carlo; Dennis J. (Rancho Santa Fe, CA)

Assignee:          The Immune Response Corporation (Carlsbad, CA)

Appl. No.:         07/975,899

Filed:    November 10, 1992


The issue for Blacks is why the embargo on their use. And what to do to get the embargo ended, or circumvent it, and then use both the cure and vaccine aggressively to eradicate AIDS from the Black World.

That is the challenge to those who wish to prevent the extermination of Negroes that Garvey prophesied in the 1920s.

Having by sheer luck survived the AIDSbombing in the late 1970s, we should also be on highest alert against other possible genocide virus weapons and develop the capacity to destroy them pre-emptively or at least shield Black Africa from them.


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By © Chinweizu 2007


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