Three Teacher Unions Disappointed Over Government’s Negotiation Approach - Onlinetimesgh

Three Teacher Unions Disappointed Over Government’s Negotiation Approach

Three pre-tertiary teacher unions, namely the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers (CCT), have expressed their disappointment with the government’s handling of negotiations concerning their working conditions.

After a two-week-old strike was called off on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, due to an interim injunction obtained by the National Labour Commission (NLC), the unions remain dissatisfied with the government’s approach to negotiations, despite the strike’s conclusion.

In a statement issued on Monday, April 15, they criticized the government’s lackluster response in addressing teachers’ working conditions, citing a lack of significant progress in negotiations and expressing concerns about the government team’s preparedness to respond adequately to their demands.

The unions warned of potential further disruptions at the pre-tertiary level and emphasized that Teacher Union Leaders should not be held responsible should such issues arise. They underscored the urgent need for the government to promptly address their concerns to prevent future disruptions.

Below is the full statement:

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