At least 45 people die in western Kenya after flood waters sweep across villages - Onlinetimesgh

At least 45 people die in western Kenya after flood waters sweep across villages

Flash floods and a landslide swept through houses and cut off a major road in Kenya, killing at least 45 people and leaving dozens missing on Monday(Apr. 29), the Interior Ministry said.

Operations have led to the rescue of some 110 people. The survivors have been dispatched to various hospitals within Nakuru county.

Reports initially attributed the tragedy to the burst of the Old Kijabe Dam, located in the Mai Mahiu area of the Great Rift Valley province.

However, conflicting versions have emerged.

Vehicles were entangled in the debris on the roads and paramedics treated injured as waters submerged large areas.

Ongoing rains in Kenya have caused flooding that has already killed nearly 100 people and postponed the opening of schools. Heavy rains have been pounding the country since mid-March and the Meteorology Department has warned of more rainfall.

Kenya’s Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki ordered the inspection of all public and private dams and water

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