Disregard Fake News About Jean Mensa’s Husband – EC - Onlinetimesgh

Disregard Fake News About Jean Mensa’s Husband – EC

The Electoral Commission (EC) has denied allegations regarding the husband of its Chairperson, Jean Mensa. Contrary to claims, Dr. Charles Mensa is not the owner of SEM or CEM Capital.

In a statement, the EC clarified, “He has no links and relations with CEM or SEM Capital and has not consulted for SSNIT at any time, neither does he own a consulting firm.” The statement also identified Dr. Sam Mensah as the actual owner of SEM Capital and a consultant for SSNIT.

The EC emphasized, “Dr. Sam Mensah has no relations to the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa.”

Below is the full statement:

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