Concerns Mount Over Female Representation in NPP’s Internal Elections Amid Calls for Affirmative Action in Ghana - Onlinetimesgh

Concerns Mount Over Female Representation in NPP’s Internal Elections Amid Calls for Affirmative Action in Ghana

Expressing disappointment, observers note the absence of protective measures for female parliamentarians during the NPP’s internal elections. The situation is underscored by constitutional provisions such as Article 17(2), which prohibits gender-based discrimination, and Article 17(4), which mandates parliamentary action to address inequalities.

Drawing inspiration from global advocacy, including the UN Secretary-General’s call for women to assert their rights, Ghanaian women are urged to mobilize through demonstrations and potential boycotts, including the 2024 elections, if the Affirmative Action Bill remains unpassed. Both major political parties, the NPP and the NDC, are urged to prioritize women’s issues and enact legislation to promote gender equality.

Comparisons with other African nations highlight Ghana’s lag in safeguarding women’s rights and political participation. The call extends beyond political circles, urging civil society, media, academia, religious leaders, and experts to unite in pressuring political parties to prioritize the Affirmative Action Bill.

Looking ahead, the promise of a future government to enact the Affirmative Action Bill within six months underscores the urgency of the issue. Such legislation aims not only to enhance gender equality but also to foster the integration and inclusion of women across public institutions and the private sector.

In essence, the push for affirmative action in Ghana’s political landscape reflects a broader aspiration for inclusive governance and societal progress, where the full potential of all citizens, regardless of gender, can be realized.



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