Former Ghanaian President condemns LGBTQ behaviours, citing religious views. - Onlinetimesgh

Former Ghanaian President condemns LGBTQ behaviours, citing religious views.

Speaking to a gathering of Ghanaian religious leaders, Mahama expressed doubts about gender identity transitions, stating,  “I don’t believe that anybody can get up and say I feel like a man although I was born a woman and so I will change and become a man.”

The debate over LGBTQ rights in Ghana has intensified, with parliament considering a contentious anti-LGBTQ bill. If approved, the law will impose harsh penalties on LGBTQ individuals, including prohibiting them from openly identifying as LGBTQ and increasing the maximum sentence for same-sex activities to five years. Additionally, advocating for LGBTQ rights will be outlawed.

Ghana already criminalizes homosexual activity, punishable by up to three years in prison. The proposed anti-LGBTQ bill has sparked significant debate and concern throughout the country.

John Dramani Mahama, who served as Ghana’s president from 2012 to 2017, lost his bid for re-election in the 2016 elections to current President Nana Akufo-Addo. The 65-year-old is now seeking re-election in the upcoming December presidential elections, representing the main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress.

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