YEA Employs 282 Former Tollbooth Workers and PWDs - Onlinetimesgh

YEA Employs 282 Former Tollbooth Workers and PWDs

The Youth Employment Agency (YEA) of Ghana has embarked on a groundbreaking employment initiative. Targeting 282 former tollbooth workers, predominantly persons with disabilities (PWDs), who lost their jobs due to the suspension of road toll collection, the YEA underscores its commitment to fostering inclusivity within the workforce.

Kofi Agyepong, CEO of YEA, highlighted the agency’s pivotal role in providing employment opportunities amidst economic uncertainties. He emphasized the challenges faced by former tollbooth workers following the government’s decision, particularly affecting over 200 PWDs who lost their livelihoods.

In a proactive intervention, YEA collaborated with government ministries and advocacy organizations, resulting in the successful employment of 282 former tollbooth workers. These individuals have been strategically placed in roles such as Regional and District Disability Desk Officers across all regions and operational districts of the agency.

Agyepong expressed joy in providing these individuals with not only employment but also positions of influence where they can contribute meaningfully to policy formulation concerning disability rights.

Additionally, YEA has developed alternative pathways through impactful programs to ensure equitable opportunities for all individuals. These include the Business and Employment Assistance Programme, Youth in Skills training, and the Garment and Textile Training Initiative.

The agency has also prioritized the welfare and social security of its newly employed PWDs, guaranteeing them equitable treatment and access to benefits enjoyed by other government employees.

Gratitude was extended to partners and collaborators, including the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, Ministry of Roads and Transport, Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations (GFD), and the Centre for Employment of Persons with Disabilities (CEPD), reaffirming YEA’s unwavering commitment to championing the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities in Ghana.

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