The government considering purchasing additional planes for the GAF to battle insurgencies. - Onlinetimesgh

The government considering purchasing additional planes for the GAF to battle insurgencies.

The A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft, designed for counter-insurgency missions, was placed on display at the Air Force Base in Accra to allow security professionals to become acquainted with its operations.
The aircraft is the gold standard for light attack, combat, and reconnaissance aircraft, produced in the United States by Sierra Nevada Corporation and Embraer Defence and Security.

With its close air support and aerial reconnaissance operations in low-threat situations, the Aircraft opens up new potential to strengthen the country’s counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism capabilities.

Dominic Nitiwul, Minister of Defence, stated that airpower should be prioritised in counter-terrorism and asymmetric warfare measures.

“The prevailing security landscape in our sub-region underscores the imperative for nations, including Ghana, to prioritise efforts in counter-terrorism and various forms of asymmetric warfare,” he said.

Mr Nitiwul was optimistic about the A-29 Super Tucano’s ability to help Ghana confront insurgency and terrorism.

Recognising the vital function of ground infrastructure in sustaining aircraft operational readiness, he emphasised the need of well-organized ground operations and logistical support.

“Reliable ground support is indispensable for keeping aircraft airborne and effective in executing their missions,” he said.

Mr Eric Hauff, Vice President, Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) Business Africa, expressed his company’s intention to strengthen its collaboration with Ghana.

He stated that the 829 Super Tucano aircraft plays an important role in combating violent extremist outfits and fostering regional stability.

“The 829 Super Tucano represents the best-in-class aircraft equipped with advanced technology and precision weapons,” he said.

He emphasised the aircraft’s capacity to solve internal security concerns and improve overall stability, focusing on border and marine security difficulties.

Air Vice Marshal Fredrick Asare Kwasi Bekoe, Chief of the Air Staff, commended the Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) teams, Embraer Defence and Security, and Ghana Air Force troops for ensuring the event’s faultless implementation.

“This partnership with SNC and Embraer Defence and Security will facilitate our processes and our aligns, our requirement for future consideration and acquisition,” he said.

He said this comes very timely, by saying “The Ghana Air Force is opportune to critically consider the Super Tucano aircraft as an appropriate offensive platform to enhance its deterrent and offensive posture within the sub-region.”

The Super Tucano has the ability to strengthen the Ghana Air Force’s counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism efforts to protect borders as well as combat piracy in our marine domain.

It is multifunctional, having strong turboprop engines that operate at a minimal cost. It is also noted for its tough and resilient construction, which enables it to operate from unimproved runways and forward operating bases using target sensors and precision guided missiles.

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