Electoral Commission Clarifies BVD Security Amid Memo Speculations - Onlinetimesgh

Electoral Commission Clarifies BVD Security Amid Memo Speculations

The Electoral Commission has dispel misconceptions regarding the security of Biometric Verification Devices (BVDs) following the circulation of a memo titled “RETURN OF BIOMETRIC VERFICATION DEVICES,”

“The Commission assured the public of the BVDs’ security features and urged accurate information dissemination to maintain trust in the electoral process.”

The memo, signed by the Deputy Chairman of Operations, sparked speculation about alleged BVD thefts. However, the Electoral Commission has clarified that there have been no thefts of BVDs from its stores. The only items reported stolen were five laptops, which are separate from the BVDs and do not pose a threat to the integrity of elections.

The circulated memo was intended for internal asset reconciliation and is part of the Commission’s routine procedures to ensure the accountability and return of all electoral equipment, including BVDs, to its custody.

“The Electoral Commission urges the public and all stakeholders to approach information dissemination with accuracy and responsibility, emphasizing that unverified speculations only serve to undermine public trust and the integrity of democratic processes.”

Below is the full statement 


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