Avoid Non-Essential Travels to Conflict Countries – Foreign Affairs Ministry Cautions Ghanaians - Onlinetimesgh

Avoid Non-Essential Travels to Conflict Countries – Foreign Affairs Ministry Cautions Ghanaians

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration advises against non-essential travel to conflict-prone countries for Ghanaians.

Furthermore, the public is cautioned to remain vigilant regarding intermediaries who promise enticing opportunities like employment, residency, and citizenship permits. This advisory stems from ongoing conflicts in various nations.

In a statement issued on Monday, March 25, 2024, the Ministry underscored the severe risks associated with such journeys, emphasizing the dangers involved for travelers.

“Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration wishes to caution the traveling public to be wary of middlemen/agents who claim to secure citizenship, resident permits, and job offers in conflict areas and countries at war. These journeys are perilous and often have dire consequences.

“Given the ongoing conflicts and the risk of conscription in certain countries or regions worldwide, travelers are strongly advised to exercise caution and carefully consider their travel plans.”

The Ministry also encourages travelers to adopt precautionary measures and prioritize their safety and well-being, particularly when considering job offers in regions that pose threats of conscription and armed conflict.

“Travelers are advised to prioritize their safety and well-being when offered jobs in regions with potential risks of conscription and armed conflict.”

Below is the statement;


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