Energy Ministry Clarifies Minister’s Comments on Load Shedding Calls - Onlinetimesgh

Energy Ministry Clarifies Minister’s Comments on Load Shedding Calls

The Ministry of Energy has clarified comment made by the Energy Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh regarding recent calls for a load shedding timetable following an interview with Joy News, misconceptions have emerged, portraying the Minister as dismissive of the energy challenges faced by Ghanaians.

The Ministry asserts that the Minister’s comments were misinterpreted, emphasizing ongoing efforts to address temporary power challenges.

“The Minister dismissed the need for a load management time table because in his view and as indicated by the Electricity Company of Ghana, the causes of the temporary power challenges are being addressed. The Minister in the clip said, “Addressing the issues is not an event” which is rightly so.”

The Ministry highlights that the Minister’s strained tone of voice during the interview was due to the noisy background, which unfortunately led to misconceptions.

“In the said clip, the Minister is clearly seen straining his voice because of the obviously noisy background, in order to be heard by his interviewer. This has unfortunately been misconstrued. Dr. Prempeh is known to be very media friendly.”

Additionally, The comparison to past energy crises was prompted by perceived political motivations behind the calls for a timetable.

“The Minister’s comparison of the current energy sector to the one under former President John Mahama, where Ghanaians reeled under pervasive ‘Dumsor’ for 4 years, comes on the back of recent similar calls in the media space by the NDC Flagbearer for a load management time table. This call, in the view of the Minister is borne out of the quest to score cheap political points. In fact, a careful listen of the interview will show that, the comparative template was set by the Interviewer.”

The Ministry reaffirms its commitment to addressing the needs of the Ghanaian people and working with relevant agencies to ensure power stability.


Below is the full statement by Ministry of Energy

Click here to read the full statement STATEMENT CLARIFYING LOAD SHEDDING COMMENT

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