Transport Fare Update: 20% increment effective April 13 - Onlinetimesgh

Transport Fare Update: 20% increment effective April 13

The Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana and the Transport Operators of Ghana have reached a resolution to implement a 20% increment in transport fares following discussions with the government.
According to a press statement dated April 11, the new fare adjustments will come into effect on Saturday, April 13, 2024. They urged the public to comply with the updated fare structure.

This decision follows their joint announcement on Monday, April 8, which outlined a fare increase, including a 15% rise for short-distance or intracity transport, a 20% increase for intercity or long-journey transport, a 15% hike for taxi services, and an adjustment from GHC 10.00 to GHC 15.00 for short distance taxi hire services.

According to them, the decision to raise fares was influenced by the observed lack of government intervention in addressing the rising costs of petrol, vehicle spare parts, and lubricants amidst ongoing economic challenges.

Read Full Statement Below:

Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana-C-DAG)/Transport Operators of Ghana

April 11, 2024

Joint Press Statement


This is to remind Ghanaians of the planned upward adjustment in transport fares across the country by transport operators.

However, we have resolved to have a 20percent increment across board for all transport services.

This increment shall take effect from Saturday April 13, 2024.

We wish to draw the attention of Ghanaians to the fact that it has been extremely difficult discussing with government concerning the transport fare increment unlike during the era of former presidents Rawlings, Kufuor, Mills and Mahama even though there has been unprecedented increments in the prices of petrol, spare parts and others.

We entreat all our drivers to abide by just the increment stated above and also urge our dear passengers to cooperate with our drivers across the country. Thank You.


Paa Willie- National Chairman, C-DAG

Asonaba Nana Wiredu- Deputy Secretary, C-DAG

Yaw Barimah- PRO- True Drivers Union
0554822565, 0500312104

David Agboado- P.R.O., C-DAG

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