NDC Gadangme Caucus Condemns Tragic Shooting at Kpelejoo Festival in Tema - Onlinetimesgh

NDC Gadangme Caucus Condemns Tragic Shooting at Kpelejoo Festival in Tema

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Gadangme Caucus has issued a strong condemnation following a tragic shooting incident during the final procession of the Kplejoo festival in Tema Newtown. The incident resulted in the loss of two lives and injuries to three individuals.

In a statement, the caucus expressed deep sorrow over the senseless violence that marred the cultural celebration, emphasizing that every Ghanaian has the right to participate in such events without fear of harm.

The caucus is calling for accountability and peaceful resolution of disputes, urging for calm and supports reconciliation efforts within the community.

Below is the full statement 

Reprehension of the Tragic Shooting Incident during the Kpelejoo Festival in Tema by NDC Gadangme Caucus


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Gadangme Caucus stands united in denouncing the heartbreaking shooting incident that marred the final procession of the Kplejoo festival in Tema Newtown.

Our hearts are heavy with grief and concern as we address the loss of two lives and the injuries sustained by three individuals during what should have been a joyous occasion.

The loss of lives in such circumstances is deeply distressing. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the deceased, and we extend our heartfelt wishes for a swift and complete recovery to those injured in this senseless act of violence.

The escalation of tensions between the youth groups and the Navy is deeply troubling. The use of lethal force during a cultural celebration is unjustifiable and goes against the principles of peace and harmony that we hold dear. Every Ghanaian has the right to celebrate their cultural heritage without fear of violence or intimidation.

We stand in solidarity with Mr. Adjei Tetteh and the other victims who have endured physical and psychological trauma as a result of this incident. No individual should ever have to face such harrowing experiences while participating in a cultural event that holds significant meaning to their community.

We commend the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) for initiating investigations into the attack. We urge for a thorough and transparent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the shooting. It is imperative that those responsible for the loss of lives and injuries are held accountable for their actions.

As representatives of the Gadangme people within the NDC, we advocate for restraint and dialogue as the primary means to resolve disputes and conflicts within our communities. Violence only begets more violence, and it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to work towards peaceful coexistence and understanding.

In conclusion, we reiterate our condemnation of the shooting incident and urge for calm and restraint from all parties involved. We stand ready to support efforts aimed at fostering reconciliation and healing within the Tema Newtown community.




Deputy Spokesperson

NDC Gadangme Caucus

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