Final Funeral Rites for KK Kabobo Scheduled for June 15th & 16th in Accra - Onlinetimesgh

Final Funeral Rites for KK Kabobo Scheduled for June 15th & 16th in Accra

The final funeral rites for the late Highlife legend, Kwabena Kwakye Kabobo, fondly remembered as KK Kabobo, will take place in Accra on June 15th and 16th, 2024. The announcement of the funeral dates was made during the One-Week observance of the late Highlife icon, held at the Police Depot in Accra.

The solemn event, held on Saturday, April 20, drew a multitude of mourners, including fellow Ghanaian music icons Abrantie Amakye Dede, Okyerema Asante, and Obuoba JA Adofo, who gathered to pay their respects to the late maestro.

KK Kabobo passed away after a prolonged battle with liver disease on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at the University of Ghana Medical Center.

Throughout his illustrious career, the late Highlife legend was a distinguished member of the Professional Musicians Association of Ghana (PROMAG) and served as a board member for copyright management. He rose to prominence with his chart-topping hit song “Onyame Ahu” and founded his first band, Explosive Jets, in 1978.

Prior to his musical endeavors, KK Kabobo spent two years as a pupil teacher. He is survived by 16 children and had 5 baby mamas, leaving behind a legacy cherished by fans and loved ones alike.

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