The ACUP(African Continental Unity Party) and the Building of a New Sierra Leone. - Onlinetimesgh

The ACUP(African Continental Unity Party) and the Building of a New Sierra Leone.

The challenges faced by Sierra Leone are enormous, just like a typical African country, these problems are structural. The difference in African countries is just in the degree or stage where they are in solving these problems.

Those which have experienced so much instability have not been even partially able to solve these problems while those which emerged quickly from these conflicts or had no conflicts at all(which are very few) have been able to relatively solve these problems.

The other important aspect is that those which had visionary leaders like Kwame Nkrumah had a very good start. Even when the rogue neocolonial sponsored elements came to destroy what was built, they did not succeed at it entirely.

Now, an important question of what must be done arises, which is a very important one.

Sierra Leone and any other African countries can not confront the challenges we face in isolation, by this I don’t mean the typical collaboration as is known in the main stream where the only help must come from external European countries through begging sprees.

Because the ACUP is African in orientation, the approach we are implementing is a natural one, inclination first towards ourselves or looking within the Continental Africa.

An example is the recent agreement signed by Niger to supply Mali with diesel at half the international market price to helpnthe country solve its energy problems. The ACUP believes that the era of Africa’s resources benefiting Europe, America Canada, Australia and Asia while claiming that the country is sovereign from other Africans using those resources is over, for us as Africans of this era, this kind of del8bwrately skewed thinking must be banished everywhere around this great continent. Africans anywhere on the continent can not be independent from ourselves and our resources.

Sierra leone’s challenges from energy to value addition to its minerals such as bauxite, iron ore, Gold and diamond require it to collaborate with fellow African Brothers and sisters who are already experienced in the fields.

It means entering agreements with fellow Africans to supply cheaper fuel for relief, it means sending our young people for training in sister African countries in fields where we hope to develop these capabilities, it means collaborating across colonial boarders to develop single processing and value addition industries and capabilities.

This for us is how the new Africa should work, this for for us is how to urgently solve the problems plaguing our people, this is the way out of lack of financial capital.

This is the New road to rapid African reconstriction and transformation when the ACUP gets to power, creates a new Power base and gives back power to every African which has long been usurped by neocolonialism using neocolonial agents existent in our midst across the whole African continent.

The ACUP is here to rebuild the whole African Continent.

The ACUP – African Continental Unity Party is the African People’s Power restored, the New emerging and lasting Force.


Let’s go to Work


Kwame Gonza

ACUP Global, directorate of Industry, Technology and Infrastructure.

+233 265594451

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