A Very Important Reason Why Dr. Bawumia Must Not Be Elected as President - Onlinetimesgh

A Very Important Reason Why Dr. Bawumia Must Not Be Elected as President

Many of us have argued over and over again that the most important of the two reasons for which Nana Akufo Addo and his inner circle had pushed so hard to impose Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia on the NPP as its flag bearer, even at the peril of the party’s disintegration is to ensure that after Nana Addo’s reign, nobody in his administration shall be held accountable for looting of the national coffers, and the plunder of the nation’s resources so wantonly. The other reason is to rebut the general perception that the NPP is an Akan party, and would not easily elect a non-Akan as a flag bearer. Let’s recall that the resignation of Mr. Alan Kyeremanten from the party was due to the favouritism of the party’s establishment for Dr. Bawumia against all other contestants.

We have stated time and again that Alhaji Bawumia owe his entire political adventure to the goodwill of Nana Akufo Addo. Without Nana Addo and his inner circle Dr. Bawumia would never have been the Vice President of Ghana, and would also never have been chosen as the flag bearer of the NPP. Nana Akufo Addo is Dr. Bawumia’s political godfather and mentor and Dr. Bawumia will therefore be eternally grateful to him. In fact, Dr. Bawumia is Nana Addo’s poodle and driver’s mate, and accordingly, not only will Dr. Bawumia not do anything that shall hurt Nana Addo nor embarrass him, but he shall actually do only whatever will make Nana Akufo Addo happy, and that which Nana Addo shall ask him to do.

The foregoing reasons are why Ghanaians should not be surprised to hear directly from Nana Akufo Addo that his greatest fear for H.E. John Mahama’s victory on December 7th is that John Mahama shall not protect his legacy. Indeed, we can swear that John Mahama shall never destroy or abandon any or all of Nana Akufo Addo’s policies, programs, and projects that are beneficial, or potentially so, for Ghanaians. He shall actually review and improve them where necessary, and pursue them vigorously for greater benefit for the people of Ghana.

The only Akufo Addo legacy John Mahama shall derail and destroy very quickly after January 7th, 2025 is Nana Addo’s total state capture policy, which is clearly expressed in their Egyapadie document, and which is being implemented in earnest, and in full swing for all to see. It is depicted by the overly politicization of state institutions including the judiciary and security services, and the unbridled corruption, looting of the state coffers, and profligate spending by the ruling class, which is predominantly nepotistic and insensitive to the plight of suffering Ghanaians.

Ghanaians are just going through the comedy of investigation by some state institutions of one of Nana Akufo Addo’s former Ministers of State, Madam Cecilia Dapaah who had stashed large quantities of both local and foreign currencies in her home. Again, many of us are not surprised about what is unfolding in that investigation at all.

At the very onset, when in a letter accepting the resignation of the former Minister, President Akufo Addo addressed her as “dear,” and stated that he was confident that at the end of any investigation of her, she would come out clean and remain unscathed, many of us realized straightaway that the investigators were only pretending to be doing any serious work only in order to throw dust into the eyes of some gullible Ghanaians. We knew it was only a matter of time before all would know the truth that the investigation was much ado about nothing – a sham. We are now vindicated.

All of us can recall the many instances of which Prez Akufo Addo had hurriedly cleared his appointees of all wrongdoing ahead of any credible investigation whenever the whistle was blown about their possible malfeasance. Let us also understand how criminal charges are brought in Ghana against citizens and public officials. It is only the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, who is constitutionally clothed with the power to bring criminal charges against anyone and prosecute them in court. What it means is that it is only the President of the Republic, who is in control and may determine whom to prosecute and whom not to.

This is why the current Attorney General is refusing to institute criminal actions against many of Nana Akufo Addo’s appointees, who are widely believed to have engaged in various corrupt activities in office. Likewise, no Attorney General, which shall be appointed by a President, Alhaji Bawumia shall ever bring any functionary of Nana Akufo Addo’s administration and the new NPP administration to book. They shall forever shield their looting and thievery colleagues while they would keep chasing, haunting, and harassing NDC officials for lesser or no offences just in order to score cheap political points.

So, fellow Ghanaians, when President Akuffo Addo is urging voters not to elect H. E. John Mahama because Mr. Mahama shall not protect his legacy, Nana Akufo Addo is only jittery that President Mahama may pursue justice for Ghanaians by calling upon him, Nana Addo and his functionaries to answer questions about their many acts of corruption; abuse of power; and over-politization of state institutions to do the bidding of only the NPP.

Their determination to dodge accountability is one of the main reasons why they want Alhaji Bawumia to be the next President of Ghana at all cost. And this is also one of the two main reasons why Ghanaians must never elect Alhaji Bawumia as President. The other reason why Alhaji must be rejected at the poll is that he is incompetent and untrustworthy. He was over-hyped prior to the 2016 elections, but on the job, he has failed woefully, and he now seen as a big liar. Let’s reject him on December 7th resoundingly.


Eric DELANYO Alifo, Esq.

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