Ejisu by-election to proceed as plaintiff withdraws injunction application - Onlinetimesgh

Ejisu by-election to proceed as plaintiff withdraws injunction application

The High Court in Kumasi, in the Ashanti Region, has dismissed the injunction application against the by-election in Ejisu.

This follows the withdrawal of the case by the plaintiff, Emmanuel Gallo.

On April 23, the Convention People’s Party (CPP) filed for an interlocutory injunction application against the Electoral Commission (EC) in an attempt to halt the Ejisu by-election.

The CPP’s move was intended to stall the April 30 by-election until a lawsuit against the Electoral Commission, which sought to prevent Esther Osei from representing the party in the poll, was resolved.

Emmanuel Gallo, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the CPP, initiated the lawsuit, claiming that the party had officially communicated its decision not to participate in the by-election to the Electoral Commission on April 18.

In a surprising turn of events, he has withdrawn the case, attributing his decision to calls from notable individuals, including the former chair of the party, now the Paramount Chief of Nandom Traditional Area, Naa Prof. Edmund N. Dele Chii VIII.

He also claimed he took the latest action due to the need for cohesion and unity among CPP members.

“The same introspection the Plaintiff considers to help with the unity and cohesion within the party. Based on these happenings and calls, the Plaintiff prays to withdraw the instant application and the Suit even though it is clear that the Defendant cannot legally conduct the elections with an illegitimate candidate purporting to be a constitutionally elected parliamentary candidate in the Ejisu bye-election. I pray accordingly,” the plaintiff told the court.

In response, the court presided over by Her Ladyship ELLEN L. S. Mireku, said, “The application for Injunction against the Electoral Commission is struck out as withdrawn. The suit is also struck out as withdrawn. No order as to cost.”


Attached is the court ruling

Gallo vrs. EC

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