Technical Glitches Delay Voter Registration Kickoff – EC - Onlinetimesgh

Technical Glitches Delay Voter Registration Kickoff – EC

Electoral Commission has acknowledged facing technical difficulties with internet connectivity, causing delays in starting the Voters Registration at various centers nationwide.

“The Commission wishes to bring to the attention of the General Public that, following our monitoring of the Voters Registration Exercise this morning, we observed some technical challenges with internet connectivity in a number of our Centres. This delayed the start of the registration at a number of the Registration Centres”

In a statement, Mr. Michael Oadu, the Acting Director of Public Affairs EC, has indicated that, majority of these technical challenges had been resolved by midday allowing for the smooth continuation of the registration process at most centres nationwide.

“We are happy to note that by 12pm, the technical issues in most of the Registration Centres had been resolved. Consequently, the Registration Exercise is proceeding smoothly in almost all the Registration Centres nationwide.”

The Commission is reassuring the public that, its remains vigilant and committed to promptly addressing any emerging issues throughout the registration period and has urged all eligible citizens to seize the opportunity and register to vote in their respective districts.

“The Commission will continue to monitor the Registration Exercise and promptly address any issues that may arise.”

“We encourage all qualified applicants to avail themselves and register to vote in their respective districts.”


Below is the full statement

Voters Registration Exercise- 7th May Press Release

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