Parliament Cast into Darkness as ECG Cuts Power Due to Ghc23m Debt - Onlinetimesgh

Parliament Cast into Darkness as ECG Cuts Power Due to Ghc23m Debt

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Electricity supply to the Parliament House and Job 600, the office complex for Members of Parliament, has been disconnected due to a GHc23 million debt.

The National Taskforce executed the disconnection on Thursday, February 29, following unsuccessful attempts to collect the outstanding arrears.

The disconnection is part of the ongoing “Operation Zero Balance” initiative by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) task force.

The primary goal of this initiative is to recover outstanding debts from various customers, and in this case, Parliament House and Job 600 were targeted due to their substantial debt.

Before the disconnection, efforts were made to recover the GHc23 million debt from the parliamentary facilities, but these attempts proved futile.

The power outage lasted for close to three minutes before power was restored through a generator.



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