Speaker’s Office Refutes Allegations of Political Bias in Delaying Parliamentarians’ Recall - Onlinetimesgh

Speaker’s Office Refutes Allegations of Political Bias in Delaying Parliamentarians’ Recall

Ghana’s Parliament has dismissed allegations suggesting that Speaker Alban Bagbin has delayed recalling parliamentarians due to his political leanings.

In a statement released by the Parliamentary Service on Thursday, April 18, it branded such claims as baseless and regrettable.

“The attention of Parliament has been drawn to a story on social media enquiring the whereabouts of the Speaker of Parliament, Rt Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin. The stow sought to impugn that the Speaker’s absence from the jurisdiction is ill-intentioned, thus portraying the Speaker and Parliament in a negative light.”

Parliament clarified that it was currently in recess, with Speaker Bagbin representing the country in Dubai, leading a parliamentary delegation at the International Renewable Energy Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

“Parliament is currently on recess in line with its Calendar and Standing Order 57 which provides for the suspension and adjournment ofthe House. During such times, Members and oilicials of Parliament are able to interact with their constituents and attend to other assignments, in line with their Parliamentary duties. This includes international assignments.”

“In consequence, the Rt Hon Speaker is currently leading a parliamentary delegation at the International Renewal Energy Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.”

The statement further stated that, during this recess period, no Member of Parliament had formally requested a recall, as they remained engaged in various activities, including interactions with their constituents.

The statement from Parliament condemned such unfounded accusations, stressing that they only serve to undermine the collaborative efforts and consensus-building between the different political factions, ultimately hindering government operations.

“It must be noted that, Parliament as an arm of government, is a rule-based institution and Members of Parliament are aware of the established procedures to communicate with the Rt Hon Speaker if need be. If there is a need for Members to request for a recall of Parliament during a recess, Order 53 of the Standing Orders provide that:”

“15% of Members of Parliament may request a meeting of Parliament and the Speaker shall within 7 days after receipt of the request, summon Parliament.”

Parliament has asserted that discussions of this nature should be discouraged, and any attempts to cast doubt on the Speaker’s absence should be dismissed outright.

Parliament added that, Speaker Bagbin has consistently upheld fairness and impartiality in his duties, irrespective of his political allegiance, with no indication that he intends to deviate from this stance.

Meanwhile, Parliament affirmed that unless unforeseen circumstances necessitate an emergency session, it anticipates reconvening towards the end of May following the recess.


Attached is the full statement

Parliament House – Accra (Ghana)

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