Anchoring Democracy Advocacy Movement Ghana (ADAM-GH), has strongly condemned the recent killing of a soldier, LC. Danso Michael, in Kasoa, and multiple other attacks on soldiers.

ADAM-GH highlighted concerns over the perceived politicization of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), stating that some senior officers and soldiers are being manipulated for political gain, tarnishing the institution’s reputation.

The organization emphasized the need for the GAF leadership to remain neutral and restore the integrity of the institution.

ADAM-GH warned of potential further damage to the image of the GAF if immediate action is not taken to address the situation.

They urged both the public and the GAF leadership to prioritize the protection and restoration of the GAF’s reputation.


Below is the full statement

Press Release. 02/05/2024.


Anchoring Democracy Advocacy Movement Ghana ADAM-GH condemned the killing of a soldier by name LC. DANSO MICHAEL in Kasoa and many other attacks on soldiers in the recent days. GAF as an institution belongs to Ghanaians and it is our collective responsibility to protect the image of the GAF regardless some unprofessional conduct by few senior officers and other soldiers who are so stooge to the evil and selfish political manipulation denting the long standing respect and reputation of the GAF.

It is a big disgrace to the entire country for soldiers who are trained to protect our territorial borders against external enemies can now be humiliated and killed by civilians because of misplaced priority by their superiors. Since when did our soldiers derailed from their core mandate and now become political tool for intimidation and maltreating Ghanaians instead of protecting the citizens?

However, ADAM-GH as a civil society organization for some few years now raised serious concerns with regards to how soldiers are used for civil exercise in a civilian environment such as land grabbing, tribal conflict especially Bawku, Political or elections related matters, personal bodyguards, and many unacceptable behaviors and misuses of soldiers by those in government.

It is undoubtedly clear that civilians these days have no respect for soldiers and people are highly tempered and always ready to face soldiers on battle grounds to defend their rights, be it political elections, tribal conflict or ownership of land and properties. The moral of Ghana Armed Forces, the integrity, the respect and justice of this great institution has been soiled by the leadership of Ghana Armed Forces who love their political masters more than GAF as an institution.

My appeal to the current leadership of Ghana Armed Forces is that if they can not stay neutral and restore or redeem the image of GAF once again they should resign to save this noble institution from further embarrassment to this great institution of ours.

It will interest you to know that Ghana Police service, upon their long standing records of being a corrupt institution, suddenly now commands more respect than soldiers by the general public in this country.

If we can all recall the military invasion of Parliament house in January 2021 to fight for the NPP to retain their speaker of parliament, people in Military uniforms who were seen openly shooting into crowd killing eight 8 innocent citizens including teenagers just to please their political masters in government in 2020 General elections. As we speak there is another allegation ADAM-GH is investigating concerning NPP party boys who just finished training as special forces and others are still at training and their task in the December elections is to shoot and kill to protect the NPP break the eight 8. When we finished our investigation we will publish the names and house locations of those trained genocide special forces soldiers.

Military officers who belongs to one of the conflict factions in Bawku and their friends who are party boys were used together with some party boys in National Security openly went and attack Buabula a community in Bawku killed twelve 12 people in February 2021in Ghana, and another three people killed in Sabongari early this year 2024. They used National Security and some of these same soldiers to attack the people of Garu brutalized people and two died out of this inhumane treatment.

The leadership of Ghana Armed Forces came out to deny and shielded the evil works of these genocide soldiers.

Listening to the gentleman who shot and killed the soldier in Kasoa his earlier frustration he went through by those in government using soldiers commiting atrocious acts, it is evidently clear that he did it out of frustration and anger, a weak system coupled with political state capture syndrome, using the presidency, especially Vice President Bawumia office seizing rice from business men, seizing lands, demolishing people’s properties, using National Security and soldiers to confiscate what actually belongs to masses.

ADAM-GH we are on our knees pleading to the leadership of Ghana Armed Forces to do all what they can to redeem the image of this noble institution to rebuild the lost confidence between the general public and the soldiers(GAF).

GAF must detach from political, tribal and unlawful command from greedy civilians who are using biased political power soiling the integrity of this great institution. If care is not taken civilians and soldiers will continue to be sitting on tenterhooks which can derail the dignity of GAF internationally.

Likewise, our appeal to the general public is that let us as Ghanaians at least help to protect our only Ghana Armed Forces we have even in the means of leadership crisis the GAF as we witness currently. Let us not throw away the baby together with dirty water.

#Let us save Ghana Armed Forces now from international ridicule#.


Azubila Emmanuel Abdu-Salam

Executive Secretary ADAM-GH.

Contact: 0544418072


Ibrahim A. Mumuni

Director of Operations ADAM-GH.

Contact: 024 348 6397

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