Ejisu By-election: Disregard Video Showing Ballot Box Stuffing – EC - Onlinetimesgh

Ejisu By-election: Disregard Video Showing Ballot Box Stuffing – EC

The Electoral Commission (EC) says it attention has been drawn to a video circulating on social media depicting a Polling Station in an enclosed area.

The video shows a man stuffing ballot papers into a ballot box.

In a press statement issued by Mr. Samuel Tettey, Deputy Chairman of Operations, the Commission refuted any association with the video, stating that it does not reflect the procedures of Ghana’s Electoral Commission.

“The Commission wishes to state unequivocally that the said video has nothing to do with the operations of Ghana’s Electoral Commission let alone the Ejisu by-election.”

The statement further outlined several discrepancies between the video and the standard operating procedures of the Electoral Commission, including the attire of the officials, the location of the polling station, the presence of security personnel, and the labeling of the ballot boxes.

“The vest the Ghana Electoral Commission uses for its operations is blue. The official in the video is wearing a green vest. The second person seen in the video is wearing an orange vest. As stated, the Electoral Commission of Ghana uses a blue vest for its Operation Staff.”

“The Electoral Commission of Ghana’s Polling Stations are cited in open spaces but the Polling Station in the video is in an enclosed area. Each Polling Station at Ejisu had at least Six Police Officers in addition to the Agents of the Candidates. This is not the case in the video being circulated.”

“All the ballot boxes of the Electoral Commission of Ghana are labeled according to the name and code of each Polling Station. The labels are boldly pasted on the ballot box. The ballot box in the video is not labeled.”

The Commission urged the public to disregard the video, cautioning against the spread of misinformation and its committed to credible, fair, peaceful, and transparent elections.

“It is aimed at tarnishing the image and credibility of Ghana’s Electoral Commission. The events in the video did not occur in Ghana. It has nothing to do with the Electoral Commission of Ghana.”

“In this era of misinformation and disinformation, we entreat the public to cross-check information with the Commission so as to ascertain the truth. As a Commission we remain committed to delivering credible, fair, peaceful and transparent elections in 2024,” the statement issued by Deputy Commissioner, Operations, Samuel Tettey said.”

The Electoral Commission assured the public of its dedication to upholding the integrity of the electoral process as the country prepares for elections in 2024.

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