AG Opposes Jakpa’s Application to Dismiss Charges in Ambulance Case - Onlinetimesgh

AG Opposes Jakpa’s Application to Dismiss Charges in Ambulance Case

Attorney General (AG), Godfred Yeboah Dame has filed an affidavit opposing Richard Jakpa’s application to dismiss charges against him in the ongoing ambulance case. Jakpa, the third defendant, is seeking to have the charges dropped or, alternatively, to halt the proceedings.

Jakpa’s legal team recently filed an application, claiming that Dame had multiple interactions with Jakpa, during which Dame assured him of his innocence and promised his acquittal. Jakpa further alleged that Dame included him in the prosecution to mask the real intent behind the trial and that the action was initiated under pressure from President Akufo-Addo and former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta to persecute Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the then-ranking member for finance and now Minority Leader.

In his affidavit, the AG argued that Jakpa had not provided valid grounds to justify dismissing the charges, as per the country’s criminal procedure and practice. The AG described the application as a deceptive and desperate attempt to halt Jakpa’s legitimate prosecution for his role in causing financial loss to the state through the purchase of regular vans misrepresented as ambulances.

“Therefore, I swear to this affidavit in opposition to the application as frivolous, vexatious, and a complete waste of this court’s time,” Dame stated.

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