Interior Minister Refutes Claims of NPP Recruitment into Security Services - Onlinetimesgh

Interior Minister Refutes Claims of NPP Recruitment into Security Services

 Interior Minister Henry Quartey has dismissed allegations made by the Minority in Parliament that the security and intelligence agencies are currently recruiting members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) into the security services.

He clarified that although there are plans for recruitment, the focus is on individuals who had previously applied for positions in the security and intelligence agencies but were not selected and remain interested in being recruited.

Quartey emphasized that the security and intelligence agencies have not yet announced their eligibility criteria for the recruitment, labeling the Minority’s claims as an attempt to incite the public against the government. He responded to a press conference held by the Minority on Monday, May 20, 2024, where they made these allegations, urging them to stop spreading false information.

Instead, Quartey suggested that the Minority should commend the government for implementing a strategy that offers another opportunity for qualified Ghanaian nationals who had previously applied to the security agencies. He noted that it would be inconsiderate for the government to advertise and sell recruitment forms when space is limited.

The Minority, led by Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson and former Deputy Minister of Interior James Agalga, claimed that the government had allocated 20 slots to NPP Members of Parliament to place individuals in various security services and intelligence agencies. Quartey countered this claim, calling it a “palpable lie” and highlighting that multiplying the alleged slots by the number of MPs would exceed the recruitment clearance provided by the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Interior.

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