Establish Voter Transfer Centres on University Campuses – NUGS Appeals to EC - Onlinetimesgh

Establish Voter Transfer Centres on University Campuses – NUGS Appeals to EC

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has made a formal appeal to the Electoral Commission (EC) to establish voter transfer centres on university campuses. This initiative is intended to assist students who are registered voters but cannot cast their ballots in their designated constituencies due to academic obligations.

NUGS, representing over 12.5 million students from basic to postgraduate levels both locally and internationally, serves as the official voice for all Ghanaian students. Comprising six blocks, the organization’s primary mission is to advocate for the welfare and interests of Ghanaian students, working closely with relevant stakeholders to promote quality and accessible education for all, regardless of ethnic, social, or religious backgrounds.

In a statement released on Wednesday, June 5, NUGS explained that the request stems from the fact that a large number of its members are studying far from their hometowns. Many students are engaged in mid-semester exams, and final-year students are conducting research for their final projects. The financial burden of traveling between their registered voting locations and their current campuses, especially in the context of the country’s economic situation, was highlighted as a significant concern.

NUGS emphasized the importance of enabling these students to exercise their constitutional right to vote, as stipulated in Article 42 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana: “Every citizen of Ghana of eighteen years or above who is of sound mind has the right to vote.” Furthermore, Article 43 states, “A person shall be registered as a voter if they are a citizen of Ghana and are of eighteen years or above.”

The union has urged the EC to take necessary actions to facilitate the limited transfer of votes for its members, in accordance with constitutional requirements: Article 45, which mandates voting at the polling station where one is registered, and Article 46, which empowers the EC to make regulations for the transfer of votes.

“We believe that this measure will ensure our members are not disenfranchised and can fully participate in the democratic process come December,” NUGS stated.

Below is the full statement:

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