GAF Cautions Against Calls for Attacks on Soldiers - Onlinetimesgh

GAF Cautions Against Calls for Attacks on Soldiers

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has issued a warning against calls for attacks on soldiers, emphasizing that such actions pose a significant threat to national security and stability.

This caution follows a viral video featuring Ernest Frimpong, an NPP parliamentary candidate in the Amenfi East constituency of the Western Region. In the video, Frimpong is allegedly heard urging individuals involved in small-scale mining to resist arrest by soldiers.

However, Ernest Frimpong has denied endorsing illegal mining or encouraging resistance against military personnel. He claims his comments were taken out of context during a two-hour engagement with artisanal small-scale miners.

In a press statement issued on Monday, June 10, 2024, Brigadier General E. Aggrey-Quashie, Director General of Public Relations at GAF, addressed the issue. He stated, “we have taken note of viral videos on social media calling for attacks on soldiers and other security personnel.

“We strongly, wish to caution the public against such utterances. It is instructive to note that such calls are not only unlawful but also pose a significant threat to the security and stability of our nation. We therefore condemn any form of incitement or encouragement of violence against our soldiers.”

The statement further assured the public that GAF remains committed to safeguarding national security and protecting civilians. It stressed the importance of professionalism, discipline, and respect for human rights among security personnel.

in a situation where a soldier misconducts him/herself, the soldier should be reported to the nearest police station or military barracks for the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken.

“It is important to note that, soldiers like any individuals, have the right to self-defense when faced with threats or attacks that pose a danger to their lives or the lives of others. In situations where soldiers are confronted with immediate threats or acts of violence, they are allowed to use necessary and proportionate force to protect themselves and others. It must be noted that the outcome of such avoidable confrontations may be unpleasant and dire.”

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